I am Karin, owner and designer of Love, STHLM. I figured it's about time to start blogging here too (I have had a personal blog for many years) and share some of my journey as a Swede in the States for the past twenty years.
In the summer of the year 2000, I finished up a temporary job as a graphic designer at Dagens Industri, and moved to Los Angeles. The thought was to go to college for a year, or maybe a few, and then to move home. But for whatever strange, unknown reason, I am still here, although I have been extremely homesick for at least nineteen of these years.
I spent the first ten years beach side, in the beautiful little town Manhattan Beach southwest of LA. Lots of fun, partying, living beach life, and in the middle of all that, I graduated with a degree in Fine Arts and Graphic Design from California State Long Beach. Then I spent a couple of years on the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii, and then 6 years in San Diego. And now?
I am sitting in my home office in a northern suburb of Chicago, while my 4-year old twins are sleeping and my husband is working. The two dogs are snoring on the couch.
It's been twenty years, but somehow a lifetime. And that homesickness?
If possible, it's stronger than ever, but hopefully it doesn't have to be for much longer. The plan is for my whole family to move back home in the next year or so, but as the world looks now, that might be sooner. Or later.
Den som lever får se. As for now, I am glad you are here!
Hej! Kul att vara här och följa det som komma skall. Kram